- Introduction
- SOP Purpose
- Execution
- Procedures
- Roles and Responsibilities
- CSU Service Standard
- Effective Date and Amendment
- Parties for Implementation
This Standard Operation Procedures for the Ministry of Finance as the Executing Agency (EA) for all World Bank (WB) Projects, the Central Services Unit (SCU) within MOF, that supports project implementation, the Implementing Agencies (IAs) that manage Project Management Units (PMUs) and responsible for project management and implementation. In this context, they (MOF, CSU, IAs and PMUs) are called the Parties for the implementation of standard operating procedures (SOP). The SOP then provides instructions that guide how the parties for implementation of the SOP perform their functions and interact with each other. The SOP also includes CSU Mandate, Core Values and Service Standards. -
SOP Purpose
The purpose of the (SOP) document is to define the functions of the CSU and the interaction of the CSU with the EA, IA’s and PMU’s. The SOP will provide the guiding principles for what is acceptable including the roles and responsibilities for the CSU, EA, IAs and PMUs in implementing the WB projects in compliance with laws and regulations of Government of Tonga and the World Bank.The objectives of the SOP are as follows:• Define how the Government of Tonga manage WB funded projects• Define the role of the key players (Parties) - EA, CSU, IAs and PMUs in implementing WB funded projects• Establish interaction processes between the EA, CSU and IAs/PMUs• Provide service standards upon which the CSU will operate its interactions with the EA and IAs/PMUs -
This SOP and Service Agreement shall be executed by the EA and CSU, IAs and PMUs in relation to World Bank funded projects and shall be implemented in accordance with the terms and conditions of each Project’s Financial Agreement, and approved POM (Project Operations Manual). -
- Principals of Project Management
Project Management (PM) is the discipline of planning, organising and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. The primary challenge of project management (including implementation) is to achieve all of the project goals, objectives and targets/outcomes on time, while adhering to the World Bank policies and procedures specifically on fiduciary matters such as financial management, procurement, safeguards, contract management and monitoring and evaluation.- Project Management Decision Making
- The key decision-making body for project and development priorities is Cabinet. The secondtier body is the Project and Development Coordination Committee (PAD-CC) followed by a Project Steering Committee (PSC). Figure 1 shows this overarching decision-making pyramid, while Figure 2 (below) shows the linkages from PAD-CC to effective projects and vice versa
- Project Planning and Development Cycle
- Direction form PAD-CC on development priorities, project planning and development
started. This is the responsibility of the EA, line Ministries, Boards and relevant development
Roles and Responsibilities
Implementing AgenciesProject Management UnitsCentral Services Unit- Project preparation and implementation
- Capacity Building
- Support to the Ministry of Finance as Executive Agency
CSU Service Standard
- CSU General Standards
- CSU Service Standards towards IAs/PMUs/EA & WB
- CSU Staff
- Project Management
- Procurement Management
- Financial Management
- Safeguards management
- Civil Engineering and Contract Management
- Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)