Taniela Fusimalohi

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Project Management Unit Team
- Project Manager: Taniela Fusimalohi
- Contracts Manager: Finetu’ui Moala
- Project Accountant: Harvard Tupouniua
- Communications and M&E: Kilisimasi Ha’apai
- Procurement Officer: Pua Latu
- Safeguards Officer : Toumo’ua Po’uli
- Administrative Assistant: Jonathan Kwok
The Project Development Objective statement is “Improve the resilience of Tonga’s transport sector, and in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, to provide an immediate response to the Eligible Crisis or Emergency”. The transport sector in Tonga consists of the road, maritime and aviation sub-sectors.
TCRTP consists of the following four components that incorporate the four pillars of the Pacific Climate Resilient Transport Program (PCRTP) Series of Projects:
- Component 1: Sectoral and Spatial Planning Tools. This component involves technical assistance that will improve the way that climate change is addressed in Tonga’s transport sectors and allows for the financing of updates to analytical and sector planning tools to enable policymakers to make informed decisions based on the most accurate and up-to-date information available.
- Component 2: Climate Resilient Infrastructure Solutions. This Component involves feasibility studies, design and construction of identified road, aviation and maritime assets to improve their resilience to climate-related hazards and/or events. This component involves most of the physical works of the project, which include the rehabilitation and maintenance of roads in Tongatapu, ‘Eua, Ha’apai and Vava’u; the port safety repair works on Nafanua Port, ‘Eua; Pasivulangi Port, Niuatoputapu and Futu Port, Niuafo’ou; the resurfacing of the Salote Pilolevu Aiport, Ha’apai.
- Component 3: Strengthening the Enabling Environment. This Component will provide funding to support institutional and regulatory reforms for road sector asset management and maintenance, including measures to strengthen local capacity and to increase the sustainability of climate-resilient investments under the project. In addition, this Component will help to strengthen coordination among relevant institutions, look at ways in which the road and maritime sector management can be improved. This sub-component would include:
- Component 4: Contingency Emergency Response. Since Pacific Island Countries will remain vulnerable to climate change and severe weather events, even with the successful implementation of the first three components, supporting post-disaster recovery is an important feature of the PCRTP. This Component is designed to provide swift response in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency, by enabling the Government to request the Bank to re-allocate Project funds to support emergency response and reconstruction.