Typical challenges for the effective use of monitoring and evaluation
  • lack of experience; 
  • limited financial and staff resources; 
  • gaps in technical knowledge with regard to defining performance indicators, the retrieval, collection, preparation and interpretation of data; and
  •  inefficient monitoring and evaluation practices.
Sample image


  • Support the PMUs in the technical work such as reviewing M&E methods, carrying out training needs, designing M&E tools, and providing M&E technical assistance. Lead the development of and oversee the review of project level M&E strategies and review/assist in the preparation of work plans (within the strategies) for active projects. Assist projects to develop and maintain a comprehensive M&E database and contribute to the maintenance of information. Review and provide advice related to Results Frameworks indicators for the World Bank assisted projects. Assist in the development TORs for M&E tasks to be carried out by others, including; CSU staff, consultants and contracts for collection of data and information etc., using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. Assist the PMUs of the projects to design and undertake Baseline and Impact Evaluation Surveys. Oversee and participate in evaluations and assessments. Ensure quality control of M&E outputs (e.g. surveys and M&E reports/Results Framework updates) and provide expert opinion on efficacy, efficiency and relevance of the results indicators. Recommend appropriate corrective actions and recommendations to PMUs during the course of the project (s) implementation. Participate in the World Bank preparation and supervision missions.  
Information Centre Mobile Phone
Ucall+ 676 7716080
Contact related workstream Emails:
programmanager@csu-tonga.to ;  communications@csu-tonga.to ;
safeguards@csu-tonga.to ;
procurement@csu-tonga.to ;
monitoring@csu-tonga.to ; and/or 
finance@csu-tonga.to ;
Tungi Colonade Level 2
Nuku'alofa  Kingdom of Tonga