Capacity Building

Central Services Unit

Broadly, Capacity Building is an assessment and establishment of ‘resources’ (skills, knowledge, tools/technology) needed to fulfil a mission or achieve a goal. In this context, this Capacity Building Strategy is the assessment of capacity needs and resources required to provide and address these needs for the effective and efficient implementation of the IDA 18 Projects in Tonga.


Project Management Units (PMUs), Implementing and Executing Agencies have the technical skills, knowledge, attributes, attitudes and behaviours required for project management, procurement, financial management, monitoring and evaluation and contract management/engineering for the successful implementing of the IDA 18 national projects.


The objective of this Capacity Building Strategy is to establish the capacity needs, resources and approaches to meet these needs. The action plans for the implementation of this strategy are developed by each CSU professional consultants and annexed as follows:
      • Project Planning and Management  
      • Safeguards Capacity Action Plan
      • Procurement Capacity Action Plan
      • Engineer and Contract Management Capacity Action Plan
      • Financial Management Capacity Action Plan
      • M&E Capacity Action Plan
PMUs capacity and training needs for effective and efficient project implementation are regularly reviewed and identified to ensure the strategy and the action plans are responsive to needs. Although, capacity building is ongoing and relevant activities have been carried out prior to the IDA 18 projects, some of the current PMUs are new and were not involved in those training. This is the first time a capacity build strategy is developed to guide relevant activities and to have a reference of capacity building activities implemented under the strategy.  It is in this regard CSU was assigned to elaborate, develop and implement a Capacity Building Strategy for the PMUs and IAs staff and consultants.


The strengthening and capacity development of the Project teams and implementing Agencies staff would be classified in the following four categories:

• Professional Training Seminars

: to develop a coherent set of training seminars/workshops that aim at development project managers (team leaders/coordinators), their technical and administrative teams and civil servants from the Implementing Agencies.

• Study Tours

the study tours programmes in other countries or regions cover the latest developments and best practices in the chosen field, conferences and technical workshops.

• On the job training

most people learn by doing and while workshops and seminars and other forms of formal learning have their place the most effective and sustainable form of learning is actually to undertake the task with close support from the Specialists. The CSU Specialists will spend considerable time with their respective PMU counterparts to encourage, support and develop the necessary confidence and skills to undertake their tasks.

• Technical Assistance

: technical assistance missions are conducted by the development partners/donors, CSU, consultants to support the project implementation, provide ongoing advisory services, hands-on support to PMUs and IAs and also provide on-site training adapted to the PMUs/IAs. Training programme on project management, advice, coaching and providing hanks-on support or on-job training.

• Accreditation and Certification training programmes

to enhance and develop the sustainable skills and competencies of the teams to manage the current and future projects. This may be conducted through online learning programmes from different websites such as the World Bank Open Learning Campus (OLC) and also through accredited institutions that issue Accredited Certificates or Diploma at the end of the course.
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